Nutritional Information & Food Allergies

Nutritional Information

The following links will give nutritional information for most dishes served at the CSC Dining Room. For additional information please contact Dining Services.

Important Links

Food Allergies

CSC Dining Services is committed to identifying ingredients that may cause allergic reactions for those with food allergies. We do training with our employees to ensure safe food handling procedures are followed. Because we prepare our food in commercial kitchens, there is always a risk of cross contamination of allergens as well as gluten. Furthermore, we want to ensure that our consumers are aware that allergens and gluten ingredients are susceptible to change. Any customers concerned about food ingredients should be aware of these risks and proactive about their food choices. Deviation from the recipe, product substitutions, manufacturing practices and other factors may take place. To note, manufacturers of the commercial foods CSC Dining Services uses may change their formulation of ingredients or substitute other ingredients at any time, without notice. To better serve our guests with food allergies we strongly encourage them to self-identify as having food allergies and/or specific health related dietary restrictions and to meet with our management team to review our protocols and available options to meet their specific need. We currently work with many guests with allergies and/or specific nutritional concerns and look forward to continuing to do so.

We work hard to identify all dishes that are prepared with these select items and in addition we advise diners with allergies to do the following:

Pay attention to entree name. Dishes made with common allergens often have the allergen mentioned in the entree name.

Establish a relationship with the chef. Simple conversations with the chef in your daily visit to the Dining Room can make your dining experience a lot easier. The chef can go over ingredients used in recipes and how the meal was prepared.

Read labels! Our chefs will be happy to tour the kitchen with you so you may view labels of the foods you will be eating.

When in doubt... If there is ever a question about an entree, we recommend you avoid consuming it.


Although we strive to make the information as accurate as possible, deviation(s) from recipe(s), produce substitution(s), or changes to portion size can happen during our meal preparation process. It is ultimately the responsibility of the customer to decide whether to eat certain foods. The College will not assume any liability for adverse reactions to food consumed or to items one may come into contact with while eating at a CSC Dining establishment. Our utmost mission is to serve you in the best ways possible in a healthy and safe dining environment.

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